Friday, October 24, 2014


This is a whodunit-type poem. Sorry for any mistakes. Here it is:


He yanks at my hair,
Pulls me under,
I scream but my voice
Is drowned out by the thunder;

Lightning flashes above,
Illuminates the pockmarks in the lake.
I twist and I thrash,
Leave bubbles in my wake;

A brief second my head
Breaks above water,
And I all I can think is,
I'm someone's daughter;

And the son of someone
Doesn't want to me live;
His fingers in my hair,
Though I tug, won't give;

Then there's water in my mouth,
I'm not breathing in air,
Now he's knee's on my chest,
How is this fair?

When did a daughter
Earn such a fate?
How did I make someone's son
Feel so much hate?

But maybe hate isn't it,
Maybe it's random,
Maybe a killer in
the "Dexter" fandom;

Or maybe a haze
Someone from school
I bet it's that idiot Chad,
What a tool;

This isn't a prank--
His knee drives into my chest;
Whatever oxygen left
He shoves out the rest;

I can't see his face
But I can see his hand,
Just a flash in the murk,
A gold wedding band;

I gasp and it hurts
Like a knife in each lung;
This is all because
Of a slip of the tongue;

I what I've done,
Know what I said,
That would make someone's son
Desperately want me dead;

He never loved me,
Of that I'm now sure;
The only thrill was because
It made me feel mature;

I almost told her
About us in bed,
Was almost too late
To catch what I'd said;

I caught the look
That the professor gave,
And as I hurried to leave
Smelled his strong aftershave;

The ring glints in the lightning
And I know why he's there;
He's holding me under
Because we had an affair.