Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Yummy Healthy Homemade Chocolate

Healthy Chocolates

A while back my neighbor brought over some chocolates to try. They were made out of coconut oil, cocoa powder, and stevia. Once refrigerated in an ice cube tray they made a pretty tasty treat, just enough to satisfy that sweet tooth. I liked them, but I wasn't wowed. They lacked body, melted before you even started chewing. Don't get me wrong, they were good, but I didn't go out of my way to make some of my own.

The other day I made chocolate pudding with banana, avocado, cocoa powder, vanilla, and stevia. As you know, I'm pretty loosey-goosey when it comes to measurements so basically it was 2 avocados, 1 banana, 1/4 cup cocoa powder, and everything else to taste. Blend it all up in the food processor and stick it in the fridge! Yummy, creamy, smooth. Amazing with cinnamon sprinkled on top.

Well, yesterday I whipped up another batch of pudding. But I only had one avocado. To make up for that (and add a protein punch) I added one pack of gelatin. It altered the texture a bit. Like it was grainy but also not. I don't really know how to explain it. Anyway, it was good, but slightly less "puddingy".

Then I got thinking about chocolate. You know. Dove squares. Hershey kisses. Those pop-em-in-your-mouth-whole kind of grab and go chocolates. And I thought back to those that my neighbor had made. And I noticed I still had leftover pudding in the fridge.

I only did 6 to start (just in case they were gross or failed miserably). They were amazing and I devoured them quickly.

Here's my process for the ones I made today:

I put about a 1/4 cup of coconut oil in a glass bowl and softened it in the microwave (not melting it completely). Then I took the pudding and did about an equal amount of that, so 1/4 cup. I added about 1 tsp of xylitol to the mix and stirred it all up.

Kind of gross-looking pudding on there

The container is a cut up egg carton. I spooned the mixture (it's gooey) into the cups, sprinkled them with sea salt, and stuck some strawberry slices on top (last time I sprinkled xylitol and stuck in blueberries--they were so good and pretty!).

Into the fridge they go. It takes about an hour for them to harden fully. When I first made them I only waited half an hour and they were still soft in the middle. Once they are all done chilling they pop right out of the egg carton. (I didn't oil the cups because half the chocolate is oil.) Also, this is a Styrofoam (or something like that) carton, not the paper/cardboard kind.   

This was an experiment that turned out super awesomely. Oh my gosh, they are so good! The coconut oil provides that hardness while the pudding give it that creaminess and body. They have an almost truffle-like texture.   

So there you have it: healthy, delicious chocolates! (Keep refrigerated.)

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